Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy Weekend!

Good morning everyone. I just wanted to wish you the happiest of weekends whether you're doing an array of interesting activities or simply relaxing with your friends and family.

After a busy week at work the house has started to look like a bomb site. Amazing isn't it that when I'm out of the house for four days a week at work and the girls are at daycare, the house still gets untidy! I have to be honest though that quite often at the end of the day I have no motivation to pack all the toys away as neatly as I would like to... then in the morning it's always a mad rush to get out the door by seven. It's not the end of the world though. I just spend Saturday mornings whizzing around like a whirlwind straightening things up before the open inspection.

I do find toys in the funniest of places... this morning I found Malia's baby doll in the microwave and when I asked her why her baby was in there her response was: "But to make her nice and warm like when my dinner comes out the oven"! Thank goodness she doesn't know how to switch it on...yet! I love the logic of a three year old. I recently got an iphone so whilst playing with instagram here's a picture of Malia and Lani. (They don't call these phones time wasters for nothing hey! Loving the vintage effects)

I love this sign below - it'll probably end up on my to do list sometime soon!

Images found via pinterest



Angela Steyn said...

I love Malia's kiddy logic... of course that's why the baby was in the microwave!! Hope the open went well honey. Call you tomorrow.

Ang x

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Hi Erin,

That sign is lovely!! I definitely need a sign like that to hang in my HEAD!! It's so easy to just get frustrated at having to tidy all the time - so good to be reminded to have FUN!!

And the photos of your littlies are so so sweet - aren't they beautiful!


Kellie Collis said...

These are adorable! The sign is so cute. Have a beautiful start of the week, Kellie xx